October Working Party
We held a working party event on 19th October. The aim was to clear the overgrown raised bed next to the toilet. We will plant this up with bee-friendly shrubs and plants. We also made good progress in clearing the narrow plot next to the cemetery hedge on Plot 26. It too was very overgrown. Paul tackled the hedges and levelled the one out which we share with the neighbours on Walton Road. They were very grateful.
Thanks to everyone who turned up to help us keep our site looking great.
Thanks to everyone who turned up to help us keep our site looking great.
Photo Tribute to Billy Roberts
RIP Billy. Plot holder for very many years and a lovely, lovey man. He will be greatly missed.
Coffee Morning in Aid of Christie's Hospital
The weather was great and the event was a huge success!
Autumn 2019
Autumn is such a wonderful time of year on the allotment. Lovely colours and ripe fruit and vegetables.
Summer Barbecue 2019
After a stormy weather forecast, it changed and was very kind to us. Thanks for coming along, and thanks to all the volunteers who helped to make it a success.
The Allotment In Bloom
We have some beautiful flowers on the allotment this year.
July on the Allotment
July; the weather is warming up at last and everything is now coming into flower and bud. Below are some shots from a lovely July evening, with everything to look forward to.
Caroline's Wildlife Area
Take a look at Carolyne's wildlife area. It's looking beautiful and helping to attract wildlife to the allotment